The annual festival “Green Kilowatt” at NRU “MEI”, Moscow

On September 14 and 15, the annual festival of specialists in the field of renewable energy sources “Green Kilowatt” was held at the National Research University “Moscow Energy Institute” in Moscow. During the event, specialists and engineers from all over the country shared their experience in implementing hybrid installations at a wide variety of facilities.

HES General Manager, Alexey Golovkin, did not miss the opportunity to acquaint students of the Institute of Hydroenergy and Renewable Energy Sources with our production of heat pumps and air conditioners. During his speech, he dwelled on the specifics of the region and ongoing projects, including a special place occupied by modern smart HES controllers that ensure easy and comfortable maintenance and control of any air conditioner.

We were happy to speak to students and professors along with leading domestic manufacturers and talk about our unique products in the industry.

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